Path:okDatasheet > Datasheet Semiconductor > BB Datasheet > BB-4

ADS7817EC/2K5 ADS7812P REG103FA-2.5 OPA4241UA/2K5 OPA660AU DCP010512P-U ADS1286PL DAC7614E/1K DAC4814BP OPA2241UA/2K5 OPA603AU/1K PCM1801U/2K DRV101T INA156EA ADS7842EB/1K OPA337UA INA143UA/2K5 DAC7615EB OPA643N/250 DCV011512DP-U OPA682N/3K OPA131PA DAC904U BUF634U/2K5 OPA2111KP

BB Catálogo de datos-4

Parte NoFabricanteAplicación
REF102RM BBPrecision Voltage Reference
OPA2652E/3K BBSpeedPlus Dual, 700MHz, Voltage-Feedback Operational Amplifier
ADS7817EC/2K5 BB12-Bit Differential Input Micro Power Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter
ADS7812P BBLow-Power, Serial 12-Bit Sampling Analog-To-Digital Converter
REG103FA-2.5 BBDMOS 500mA Low Dropout Regulator
OPA4241UA/2K5 BBSingle-Supply, microPower Operational Amplifiers
OPA660AU BBWide Bandwidth Operational Transconductance Amp and Buffer
DCP010512P-U BBMiniature 5V Input, 1W Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters
ADS1286PL BB12-Bit Micro Power Sampling Analog-To-Digital Converter
DAC7614E/1K BBSerial Input, 12-Bit, Quad, Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter
DAC4814BP BBQuad 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter (Serial Interface)
OPA2241UA/2K5 BBSingle-Supply, microPower Operational Amplifiers
OPA603AU/1K BBHigh Speed, Current-Feedback Operational Amplifier
PCM1801U/2K BB16-Bit, Stereo, Audio Analog-To-Digital Converter
DRV101T BBPWM Solenoid/Valve Driver
INA156EA BBSingle-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Output, CMOS Instrumentation Amplifier
ADS7842EB/1K BB12-Bit, 4-Channel Parallel Output Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter
OPA337UA BBMicroSIZE, Single-Supply CMOS Operational Amplifier MicroAmplifier™ Series
INA143UA/2K5 BBHigh-Speed, Precision, G = 10 or G = 0.1 DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERS
DAC7615EB BBSerial Input, 12-Bit, Quad, Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter
OPA643N/250 BBWideband Low Distortion, High Gain Operational Amplifier
DCV011512DP-U BBMiniature, 1W, 1500Vrms Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters
OPA682N/3K BBSpeedPlus Wideband, Fixed Gain Buffer Amplifier With Disable
OPA131PA BBGeneral Purpose FET-Input Operational Amplifiers
DAC904U BB14-Bit, 165MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters
BUF634U/2K5 BB250mA High-Speed Buffer
OPA2111KP BBDual Low-Noise Difet® Operational Amplifier
INA148UA BB±200V Common-Mode Voltage Difference Amplifier
INA116UA BBUltra Low Input Bias Current Instrumentation Amplifier
OPA544F/500 BBHigh-Voltage, High-Current Operational Amplifier

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