Path:okDatasheet > Datasheet Semiconductor > Diodes Datasheet > Diodes-92

BZ5227BT 1N5373B 5KP16(C)A P4KE16A 1N4751A PR3001G SMCJ5.5(C)A 1.5KE16CA STPR810DB P6KE9V1CA MBR860 BAS21W SMBJ120(C)A BZX84C5V6 PBU605 MMBTA63 B540C BAT54CW TLC363C6.4 P4KE200CA BZX84C4V3W DDTA113ZKA DDTC124EKA ZMM6V8 TZX13A BZX84C36TS QSBT40-7 TZX14

Diodes Catálogo de datos-92

Parte NoFabricanteAplicación
MMBZ5230B Diodes4.7V; 350mW surface mount zener diode. General purpose; Ideally suited for automated assembly processes
P4KE120 Diodes97.20V; 400W transient voltage suppressor
MMBZ5227BT Diodes3.6V; 150mW surface mount zner diode. Ideal for aotomated assembly
1N5373B Diodes68V 5W zener diode
5KP16(C)A Diodes16V; 5000W transient voltage suppressor
P4KE16A Diodes13.60V; 400W transient voltage suppressor
1N4751A Diodes30V; 1W zener diode
PR3001G Diodes50V; 3.0A fast recovery glass passivated rectifier; fast switching for high efficiency
SMCJ5.5(C)A Diodes5.5V; 1500mW surface mount transient voltage suppressor
1.5KE16CA Diodes13.60V; 1500W transient voltage suppressor
STPR810DB Diodes100V; 8.0A super-fast glass passivated rectifier
P6KE9V1CA Diodes7.78V; 600W- bidirectional transient voltage suppressor
MBR860 Diodes60V; 8.0A schottky barrier rectifier for use in low voltage, high frequency inverters, free wheeling and polarity protection applications
BAS21W Diodes250V; 1.0A surface mount fast swithcing diode. For general purpose switching apllications
SMBJ120(C)A Diodes120.0V; 600mW surface mount transient voltage suppressor
BZX84C5V6 Diodes5.6V; 300mW surface mount zener diode. Ideally suited for automated assembly processes
PBU605 Diodes600V; 6.0A bridge rectifier
MMBTA63 Diodes30V; 500mA PNP surface mount darlington transistor. Ideal for medium power application and switching
B540C Diodes40V; 5.0A surface mount schottky barrier rectifier. Guard ring die construction for transient protection
BAT54CW Diodes30V; 200mA surface mount schottky barrier diode. PN junction guard ring for transient and ESD protection
TLC363C6.4 Diodes6.4V; 200mW triple low capacitance surface mount zener diode array
P4KE200CA Diodes171.00V; 400W transient voltage suppressor
BZX84C4V3W Diodes4.3V; 200mW surface mount zener diode
DDTA113ZKA Diodes50V; 100mA PNP PRE-biased small signal surface mount transistor
DDTC124EKA Diodes50V; 30mA NPN PRE-biased small signal surface mount transistor
ZMM6V8 Diodes6.8V; 500mW surface mount zener diode. Ideally suited for automated insertion
TZX13A Diodes12.4-12.9V; 500mW; 5.0mA epitaxial planar zener diode. General purpose, medium current
BZX84C36TS Diodes36V; 200mW triple surface mount zener diode array
QSBT40-7 Diodes30V; 200mA quad data line schottky bus terminator. PN junction guard ring for transient and ESD protection
TZX14 Diodes13.2-14.3V; 500mW; 5.0mA epitaxial planar zener diode. General purpose, medium current

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