Path:okDatasheet > Datasheet Semiconductor > Mitel Datasheet > Mitel-4

AP MH88422-2 PDSP16488B0 MT9172AP MH8981DE MT8815AP DES9208901AC SP8808DG MT88L70AE PDSP16350GC PDSP16330BBOAC MT8931CC 1A272 VP5313A PDSP16515AC0GC MT90710AP SL1714MP1S 1A225 WL600KG MT8870DS MT90210AL 1A439 SP5769MP1S MB6024 SP8910MP1S MT9161BN SL2017 1A184A MT8979AE

Mitel Catálogo de datos-4

Parte NoFabricanteAplicación
SP8852EKGHCAR Mitel0.3-6.0V; 2-7GHz I2C BUS low noise phase noise synthesiser. For complete 2-7GHz single chip system
MT9041AP Mitel0.3-7.0V; 150mA; multiple output trunk PLL. For sycnhronization and timing control for T1 and E1 digital transmission links, ST-BUS clock and frame pulse sources, primary trunk rate converters
MH88422-2 Mitel0.3-6.0V; data access arrangement. For FAX, modem, telemetry
PDSP16488B0 Mitel5.0V; 20MHz; single chip 2D convolver with integral line delays
MT9172AP MitelDigital network interface circuit. Applications digital subscriber lines; high speed data transmission over twisted wires; digital PABX line cards and telephone sets; 80 or 160 kbit/s single chip modem.
MH8981DE Mitel5V; 30mW; digital switch
MT8815AP Mitel8x12 analog switch array. Applications key systems, PBX systems, mobile radio, test equipment and instrumentation, analog and digital multiplexers, audio and video switching.
DES9208901AC Mitel6.0V; 1GHz+16/17, 32/33 multi-modulus divider
SP8808DG Mitel6.5V; 345mW; 3.3GHz + 8fixed modulus divider
MT88L70AE Mitel3V; max=7V; 10mA; integrated DTMF transceiver. For paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, personal computers, interconnect dialers, telephone answering machine
PDSP16350GC Mitel0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 20MHz; I/Q splitter/NCO. For numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), quadrature signal generator, FM PM AM signal modulator
PDSP16330BBOAC Mitel25MHz; 0.5-7.0V; 18mA; pythagoras processor. For digital signal processing,
MT8931CC MitelSubscriber network interface circuit. Applications ISDN NT1, ISDN S or T interface, ISDN terminal adaptors.
1A272 Mitel1.5V; 250mW; 810mm high-performance LED, for avionica, military datacom
VP5313A Mitel4.75-5.25V; NTSC/PAL digital video encoder
PDSP16515AC0GC Mitel0.5-7.0V; 18mA; stand alone FFT processor
MT90710AP Mitel0.3-7.0V; 50mA; high-speed isochronous multiplexer. For fibre distributed systems, backplane concentrators, local area networks (LANs)
SL1714MP1S Mitel0.3-7.0V; quadrature downconverter. For satellite receiver systems, data communications systems
1A225 Mitel1.5V; 130mW; 880mm high-performance DUPLEX, for single-mode datacom
WL600KG Mitel4V 2.4-2.5GHz RF and IF circuit
MT8870DS MitelIntegrated DTMF receiver for British Telecom spec., paging systems, repeater systems/mobile radio, credit card systems, remote control, personal computers and telephone answering machine.
MT90210AL Mitel6.0V; 40mA; multi-rate parallel access circuit. For fast access to ST-BUS, SCSA, MVIP, and H-MVIP serial backplanes
1A439 Mitel0.5V; 160mW; 1320mm high-performance LED; for datacom
SP5769MP1S Mitel0.3-7.0V; 3GHz I2C bus synthesiser. For digital satellite, cable and terrestrial tuning systems, commnucations systems
MB6024 MitelDSLIC accessory kit (low L). For use in supporting development activities
SP8910MP1S Mitel6-5V; 5GHz +10fixed modulus divider
MT9161BN Mitel5.0V; multi-featured codec (MFC). For digital telephone sets, cellular radio sets
SL2017 Mitel4.75-5.25V; full base satellite tuner. For satellite tuners, commnucations systems
1A184A Mitel1.5V; 250mW; 870mm high-performance LED, for FM video
MT8979AE Mitel0.3-7.0V; 30mA; CEPT PCM 30/CRC-4 framer & interface circuit. For DS1/ESF digital trunk interfaces, computer to PBX interfaces (DMI and CPI), high speed computer to computer data links

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