WJ Fichas de búsqueda, Últimas WJ de datos

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El Último de datos en PDF WJ

Parte NoAplicación
SME1900-17 Broadcast surface mount mixer
SX1123A MMDS/MDS RF head, standartpower; point-to-multipoint transceiver
AG403-86PCB DC- 5000MHz InGap HBT gain block
FHF1 High dynamic range FET
AH4 High dynamic range amplifier
SMJ1500-3B Quad-diode mixer
SX1120 RF head with SF1119/SF1120 duplexers
FP2189 1 watt HFET
AH22-PCB 50- 860MHz, 6V; high dynamic range CATV amplifier
AH102-PCS 50- 1500MHz, 11V; medium power, high linearity amplifier
SMJ1000-17A-PCB Quad-diode mixer
SMJ1000-3B-PCB Quad-diode mixer
SMJ1000-17A Quad-diode mixer
AH11PP1900-PCB 50- 1500MHz, 11V; high dynamic range amplifier
SMJ500-10A-PCB Quad-diode mixer
SMJ500-3B Quad-diode mixer
SMJ500-13A-PCB Broadcast surface mount mixer
SA1137-2 Optical modulator driver
FP1189-PCB-1900 1/2 watt HFET
SMJ1500-17B-PCB Quad-diode mixer
SX1123 MMDS/MDS RF head, standartpower; point-to-multipoint transceiver
SX1122 MMDS RF head, standartpower; point-to-multipoint transceiver
HMJ9 High dynamic range FET mixer
AG602-89 DC- 5000MHz InGap HBT gain block
R1920T In-building PCS CDMA repeater
AH11BAL-PCB 50- 1500MHz, 11V; high dynamic range amplifier
AH2-PCB High dynamic range CATV amplifier
R1910T In-building PCS CDMA repeater

WJ perfil

Watkins-Johnson (WJ) Company designed and manufactured quality microwave components, subsystems, and systems for the defense marketplace. WJ Communications, Inc. is a RF semiconductor company focusing on the design and manufacture of high-quality and innovative devices and multi-chip modules (MCMs) for telecommunications systems. WJ's highly reliable amplifier, mixer, RF IC and MCM products are used to transmit and receive signals that enable current and next generation wireless and wireline services.

WJ CommunicationsCatálogo de datos

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